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Playgrounds (Verious projects), Montreal, Qc. Canada

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Various playground designs for City of Montreal parks. The general project approach is to provide original spaces and interact with existing urban context , using playful elements. Specific thoughts also include sustainable development strat-egies, especially for surface water management, with planted water detention and retention basins.

(1) Playful painted path on paving, Jarry Park, NIPPAYSAGE

(2) Planted retention basin and rain garden, Dunkerque park, NIPPAYSAGE

(3) 18 month – 5-year-old play area, Benny park, NIPPAYSAGE

(4) Playful painted path integrating boulders, Jarry park, NIPPAYSAGE

(5) Detail, bench/boardwalk, Jarry park, NIPPAYSAGE

(6) Detail, Somerled park, NIPPAYSAGE

Banner's images; NIPPAYSAGE


Ville de Montréal


Mathieu Casavant, Josée Labelle, Michel Langevin, Mélanie Mignault, Emilie Bertrand-Villemure, France Cormier, Claude Cournoyer, Georges-Étienne Parent, Céline Paradis, Delphine Dalençon



Playgrounds (Verious projects)

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